June 14, 2009
Ladies that has beauty in and out stand forever
Hiya..!!! here I am again...got new beauty products to share. Ladies we already knew that we especially summer we really like to glow and just be beautiful and feeling fresh in every aspects.
In mimibeauty you will find everything not only cosmetics and skin care they have dental care as well.
Since summer lets start with our skin. Skin is very special for a woman like me because there we can tell if the person's healthy and skin adds beauty. Korres skin care has everything what you need. From moisturizer to eye makeup remover. For I want to use those cosmetics of skin care that has natural ingredients. Korres skin care uses natural ingredients so it wont make your skin irritates from the ingredients. They uses roses , jasmine , and more so it is safe.
Now lets go to Talika. You notice girls that our lashes fall out when we wash our face and clean our eyes in the morning? or even we are cleaning or touching our lashes it falls out. Do you know why? it is because of the make up and because of the other stuff that we put to our lashes like the mascara. It is the same with our hair, we put strong ingredients like the hair colour, we straighten it and those hair sprays. So what will happened to our hair or lashes? ofcourse , falls off and the tendency of that our lashes might not grow or it will grow but not to the full lenght. Thats the purpose of Talike. Talika is a gel that cures lashes and make it grow to the fullest length for only 28 days.
Last but not the least...! ofcourse it is very important that when we smile our teeth should be very clean and white..hmmmmm I could imagine smiling with a killer smile and a shiny white teeth. Now if we have a yellowish or got stain in our teeth because of what we eat or because of the smoke we have a solution for that. We have this home teeth whitening . Why we will suffer from those stains and yellowish teeth if we can cure it right? It is very nice to look at when we smile and people can see that our teeth's clean and shiny and it gives us more confident to smile to everyone.
There we go.. We have a complete package. We all can get this from mimibeauty. Go and check it , you never know! you might find the one that your looking for.
June 08, 2009
Nurse's Guide to Good Living
Hi everyone! Today's best topic for me is Scrubs ( The Nurse's Guide to Good living ). It is very nice to know about Scrubsmag , do you know why? It is because in nurse's life or nurse's students or even me or those people that are not a nurse would be very grateful to learn tips and more about guides to good living.
Me myself so excited to read more about scrubsmag because I know after reading the stories, tips and about taking care of yourself to achieve a healthy living. They have this summer fashions as it's summer now and makeup and beauty section to read. See! even if your not a nurse , you will get lots of ideas and you can apply it to your daily routine. Scrubsmag is not only about fashions and makeups and tips , it is all about everything which is very important to every individual , that if you're concern is making your life be as colorful as a rainbow, I mean if you want a healthy and happy living. Then reading scrubsmag will enlighten you on how u going to start to achieve your aims.
Now let's go to summer fashions, for summer fashion tips vintage clothing is perfect for the summer but.... you need to be very specific I mean , u really need to know what kind of look u want . Simple casuality is best for summer. You can have those vintage hats for summer look, belt for a sassy look for women when you want to wear something breathable but looks so feminine and with this summer look with a pair of leather boots or flips flops. You know your taste and I know you'll do great in choosing your own style, and lastly wear something nice cool colour as its summer and wear those clothes that makes you comfortable.
Hope that helps you for the summer fashion tips..! Do you know where I get these ideas? In.... Scrubsmag...woohoooo thank you so much for this.
Ofcourse, the look wont be complete if you got no makeup. I have read it there, that mascara and lipsticks and are the best beat for a woman to use when she's on the rush and got no time to put makeup. Mascara enlightens the tired eyes to look more awake and lipstick can add more shape to the lips and a bit powder on the face so wont have a cakey face.
Do you want to wake up looking younger? then! follow this simple steps..
1) Get clean -- never go to bed with makeup's on because that can clog pores. Clean it with your best cleanser you using . Make sure that the cleanser you are using is not very strong or should suits to your skin type because that can lead to dryness and makes it dull.
2.)Moisturize ---- after cleansing, we can feel it that our face is more tighter and dry which is not the best to do if we will just leave it as it is after cleansing. Our skin especially our face needs to be hydrated always if we want it to look more youtful.
3.)Sleep right--- Sleep right means, sleep on the right position. Don't sleep on you tummy or on ur side or else you have more lines on your face. Sleep on your back so your face be more relax and not being compress or something that can lead to have lines. Or sleep more pillows on.
4.)Be kissable--- when you brush your teeth give you lips a scrub. You can use brown sugar or white sugar and put some of your lipbalm on it to make it smoother. then wash and pat it dry and for final touch before putting ur lipbalm. Wash your lips with cold water til you feel it softer and red then dry it up then put lipbalm. Your lips will be more refresh and looks kissable.
5.) Tame stray hair ---- If we do tame stray hair this helps us to look more younger and clean.
We noticed that when we pluck hair on eyebrows or etc. , we notice that its a bit swollen and its red. So the best thing to do this is at night so your skin has a time to heal or calm down by morning.
Okay... hope that really helps guys... please check out scrubsmag and you will get more ideas than what I have stated here. Thank you very much Scrubs for all the ideas and stories. muuuuuuaaaaahhhhhhhhh... Count on me because I will surely be visiting you most of the time to read more.

June 01, 2009
Guide for Laptop buyers
Nowadays people love technology. Any gadgets but the most is computers.
Computers are the best and most easier and faster to get intouch to our loveones and more. In buying computers we do need to know whats the best so we can have best result and that will last for more years without having a problem.
Where can we find a guide? Laptop computers buying guides will be very nescessary for us to know which one is best and it will give us idea as well on how laptops should be. Now if your looking for a laptop to buy for yourself or for your love one , you will find it in shopwiki .Just click one of the links and it will get you there. They have everything and any laptops model your looking for. Whats best of this is they're giving you a guides on how to have a better laptop.
I have mine Sony vaio vgn-cs11s/p and i love it so much and thanx for the guide. I know have the best laptop and it's super dooper fast. You too get one for yourself.
Best of luck everyone... bye....
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