
October 19, 2008

Hair disasters

I have had a few over my life time.. I once thought it would be fun to color my hair.. Instead of seeking out the help of a professional for my "first time"I purchased a boxed dye at a local store.. My hair came out the funkiest shade of orange and I hated it.. Not only was the color bad but I missed a few spots and it was quite noticable! I ended up having to pay a lot of money to have it redone at a salon to my as close to my natural color as possible.. Another time I began very frustrated of my long hair on a hot summer's day.. I decided at that moment I would cut it all off.. I went to a hair dresser and requested a very short bob cut... I think my biggest mistake was making the decision out of frustration and making such a drastic decision.. I hated the new hair cut and it took forever to grow back.. Have you made some bad mistakes and decisions with your hair?

1 comment:

Niar said...

I am so glad to read this post, maybe you can view my blog...I also wrote the similar things like you did many days ago...
may I add you in my link?
thank you