Nobody is perfect on the outside and some flaws, no matter how hard we try, cannot be hidden for an eternity from prying eyes, especially if you're a movie or music star, permanently
under the media lens. But do not despair: there are always other ways of 'correcting' what nature did injustice to, thanks to modern science!Let us not fool ourselves with such trifles as 'what's on the inside really matters'! Even those who really believe this to be true (fortunately, there still are many idealists out there) place a lot of importance on being the person the others want to see. Why shouldn't that be the golden rule in Hollywood, a world within itself, where image is what most matters?If, by chance, you are on your way to stardom or decided to get there whatever the cost, we proudly present to you the easy guide to a perfect Hollywood body, stressing out which bodily parts require most
your attention. And we thought of starting, naturally, from the top and gradually work our way down, while enumerating the top five must-haves.
1. Beautiful face
Nobody wants to look at a woman and see a potato-like deformed mass in the middle of her face but, still, some celebrities were unfortunate enough as to not be born with the perfect stereotype kind of nose. And, yet, that didn't stop them from getting it. Otherwise, what would have been the point of plastic surgery?
2. Long, overflowing hair
3. Boobs
Hahaha...!yeah..most men do look for that and that we cant deny it..and most women that can afford to have a surgery..! why not? go for it..but for me I still do matter my inner self because thats the most import.
4. Little or no body fat
Hmmm this sounds annoying to me hehehe it's because I'd love to gain weights lol even just a little because i dont like my body like this, it makes me think im ill and i'm too skinny i think.
A little would be great for me.
5. A healthy diet and a good exercise
Perfect...wink.. ;)
thanks to teach me for having a perfect body Donna...
but how to increase the beauty of our face. hohoho...^-^
ho niarrr...that made me laugh ur too cute to ask like that..hehehe we dont need to be that beautiful as long as we know that we are beautiful inside. that matters most. beauty..? it will fade in time but our inner's beauty will be in ourselves forever so stay beautiful to what u think you are and tell urself u are and have confidence to show to the world that u are genuinely beautiful.thanx for the comment..i love it when someone do comment my posted topics.thanx a bunch
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